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Our Medical Provider Network

As a nonprofit that advocates for DRESS Syndrome patients and their loved ones, we also work to deepen medical research and awareness of DRESS. And we're building a robust community of medical providers who are familiar with treating and diagnosing DRESS Syndrome.


We believe that connecting with the medical community is integral to our work in advocating for patients. By doing so, together, we can work to achieve our vision: a world where no one suffers or dies from severe drug reactions.

Join our network.


Our DRESS patients come from across the United States and worldwide. They often are seeking informed medical care throughout their DRESS case and recovery. If you have knowledge of and experience in caring for DRESS patients, we'd love to connect further. Through our medical network, patients often find the essential medical care they need — and that can save their lives. To join our medical provider network, email us or

fill out the form below.

Connect with other DRESS–aware medical providers.


Diagnosing and treating DRESS Syndrome is typically a team effort, requiring many specialists who can address the complete care patients need. Sometimes, medical providers seek other DRESS–aware experts who can support their patients' care and recovery. If needed, we're happy to connect you to other trusted providers who can help you round out the medical care you're providing a DRESS patient.

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Follow best practices for DRESS diagnosis and treatment.


New to treating DRESS patients or seek more information? Diagnosing and treating DRESS Syndrome requires a multifaceted approach. Three internationally accepted diagnostic criteria exist: The Registry of Severe Cutaneous Adverse Reactions (RegiSCAR), the Japanese Consensus Group (J-SCAR), and Boquet et al#. Learn more about accepted protocols for diagnosing and treating DRESS Syndrome.

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Thank you! We look forward to connecting.

What Our Patients Say

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Soon Fuller, patient

The DRESS Syndrome Foundation gave me a new family — an incredibly supportive community. And I don't know where I'd be today without that.

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DRESS Syndrome Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 2020. 


Tax ID # (EIN): 84-3088907


Copyright 2023

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Legal: This website is for information purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or treat DRESS or any other type of disease. Every patient’s situation is unique. We are a patient advocacy organization and are not medically trained. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you’ve read on this site. In the hope of creating better awareness, we encourage you to share what you learn here with your medical team and others. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately.  

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